"Toggle play on selected note(s)" shortcut

• Oct 9, 2020 - 07:54

Hi anyone who reads this!

I'm currently transcribing Alban Berg's Piano sonata (see attached file) and in order to optimise playback (arpeggios/ties/stems/acciaccature across voices/staves, etc.), I happen to use the combination of invisible notes and not-played ones quite often.
The "v" shortcut (to toggle visibility) is therefore very useful in that case. On the other hand, the lack an equivalent for playability (i.e. a shortcut to toggle the "play" case in the "note" section of the inspector) consumes a lot of time.

Since the same need happens when writing my own compositions (and I need both perfect visual and accurate playback, for Musescore is the source for both the pdf edition of my scores and the midi files which end up in my DAW), I figured that I might not be the only one interested in such a shortcut.

Attachment Size
Sonate, Op. 1. (Smart Layout).mscz 96.4 KB

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