Folders & Files Created by Musescore

• Oct 10, 2020 - 20:15

What files/folders does Musescore create when you first launch it? And where can each be found?

Thus far, I have discovered that, in Linux, Musescore creates 1 folder in Documents, 1 folder in .cache, 1 folder in .local and 1 folder in .config... Not sure about the last one...

Am I missing something else in my Linux files manager that is created by Musescore? The reason I want to know is that everytime I delete a Musescore version, I want to leave no traces of it behind... I just want my next version to be as new as possible, with new folders!


In reply to by [DELETED] 32872726

For settings there are only those 2.
And these are thw ones you may want to remove before installing a new version, you most probably don't want to remove your personal scores/plugins/templates etc. too, but is you do, those are easy to find, all under one directory in your home folder, ~/Documents/MuseScore3/

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