Extra Accidentals

• Aug 28, 2014 - 10:15

Opened a v1.3 file in v2 and in bar 2 I have an accidental sharp that has appeared and then a natural.

bar 16 the last syllable of the lyrics has disappeared.

bar 17 the lyrics attached to voice 2 in the treble stave have disappeared.

Might just be my (old) eye-sight but the first notes in bar 1, 4, 10, 11,12 don't seem to be aligned properly, the lower note seems to be slightly to the right

Attachment Size
The_Lord_is_King.mscz 6.59 KB
The_Lord_is_King V2.mscz 6.26 KB


The G# in bar 2 was present in your original score - a bug in 1.3 caused it not to display. But use the arrow keys to follow the notes of voice 2 and you'll hear it plain as day.

The missing lyrics are, I think, a symptom of the same bug as your earlier report. Definitely should be filed in the issue tracker.

Regarding the misalignment of the half notes, good catch. Not sure what is going on here, but I will look into it. I suspect it's an unintended side effect of the code designed to make sure whole notes - which are significantly larger than quarters or halves - are centered rather than left- or right- aligned. I don't you'd mind filing that too? No, scratch that, I'll do this one.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks marc,

I'll file the first one about lyrics as requested. I'll also do further work with Beta 1 and my existing files. I played quite a bit last evening and saw some other "oddities" which I will try to reproduce.

Thanks forV2, I love the header/footer and the placeholders, brilliant

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