Copying synthesizer sound font assignments from one score to another?

• Nov 1, 2020 - 14:20

Once I've assigned the sound fonts I want to each instrument of an ensemble in a given score, can I use that same selection in a pre-existing score without reassigning each one one at a time in the synthesizer dialog box for the older score?

More specifically, I have assigned a combination of regular Musescore sound fonts and some VSCO ones for the arco, pizz, and tremolo of the violins, viola, and cello in a string quartet and want to use those same assignments in string quartet scores that I wrote before creating this new score. I suppose I could copy the new one, delete all the music from the copy, and copy and paste the older score's contents into the copy of the new one but I wonder if there is a more efficient way.

I am using MuseScore 3.2.3 on Ubuntu.




This is the purpose of Save to Score in the synthesizer. Click this to save the current synthesizer settings to the currently selected score. When you want those loaded again, load that score and choose Load from Score.

The synthesizer can only have one group of settings at a time, so all open scores will use the same settings. This means that when you open a score and use load from score the settings will apply to all open scores. To assure you can use the same settings in one of those scores, choose that score then open the synthesizer and choose save to score.

In reply to by mike320

I must be missing something.

  1. I load my new score and see that Violin I pizz has SViolinPizz as the Patch. I want this to be the case in the older score.
  2. I pick Load from Score on the Synthesizer Zerberus tab.
  3. I open an older score and Violin I pizz has "Strings Pizzicato" as the Patch.
  4. In the older score I pick Save to Score.
  5. The older score still has "Strings Pizzicato" as the Patch.

What steps am I missing to assign the new score's pizz patch of SViolinPizz to the older score without selecting it from the older score's Patch drop-down list?



In reply to by bobdc

This mixer is not directly affected by save to score.

The synthesizer will only assign sounds to the mixer if they are automatically assigned when the score is created. So if you have two sound fonts in your synthesizer and you use sound font 1's for arco violin and sound font 2 for pizz. violin, arco violin will automatically be assigned but you will have to manually assign the pizz channel. If you manually change sound in the mixer, MuseScore will try to keep it if the soundfont is loaded when the score is opened.

One other thing. In older versions of MuseScore, violin (and other strings) had string sounds assigned to them by default rather than violin, viola, etc. That definition of the instrument will stay in effect for that score until you open the staff/part properties and change the instrument to that same one. This will update the instrument to the definition in the current version of MuseScore. Updating older scores isn't automatic.

Hopefully this all makes sense. Ask if there's something still not clear.

In reply to by bobdc

That may be the best way if there are no time signature changes to deal with. Those don't copy. I would update the definition if I had any time signature changes. If you copy, you'll also have to update all other system items like key signature changes and tempo changes if they apply.

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