When adding time signatures to the palette, some visual feedback should be given

• Nov 2, 2020 - 17:40

When the user creates a new time signature and clicks Add, the signature gets added, but there is no visual confirmation or feedback of this at all. Most often than not, this has instinctively led me to assume maybe I misclicked or something, and I add it again, and now I have the same time signature twice.

The window should go away once the time signature is added, not only because this is simpler than adding visual feedback (such as a pop up) and to match instinct, but to keep it consistent within the program. For example, when 'OK' is clicked under the 'Add measures' popup, the popup is gone.

I haven't tested, but this behavior inconsistency probably applies to many palette elements, not just time signatures. Even if you don't agree the window should be closed once the user adds an element, I think some visual feedback is necessary.


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