I want also use English search for instruments in other language musescore

• Nov 5, 2020 - 12:03

I was using Japanese version musescore,
but use Japanese search for instruments is difficult than use English.

In Japan ,the instrument names of almost all scores are written in English.

is it possible to also use English names for searching instruments even when using the Japanese version of musescore ?


If the instrument names have been translated into Japanese, you'd need to change MuseScore's language setting to English (US or GB) to get English instrument names, but with that you'd also switch the entire UI to English.
Some languages elected to not translate the instrument names at all (or rather copy the English strings), like e.g. the Polish translation.
Only workaround might be to locate the file instruments_ja.qm and delete it, which would cause MuseScore to fall back to the original (US-)English names

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