Position and printing of footer text

• Nov 9, 2020 - 10:25

Hi Musescore Experts
I often add more lines with text in the footer by using some differerent metatags. i.e. "page of pages", "source", "filename" etc.
The text is visible on the screen, so far so good.
But the text is missing on paper print
The printer is set to 0 cm bottom margen.
Is the any method for positioning of the footer text higher, or may be using a frame for the footer?
Kortenor/ Martin

Attachment Size
TEST .mscz 5.15 KB


Are you by change printing on letter paper? The page format of that score is A4, which is slightly longer, 296,93 mm vs. 279,40 mm, so 17.53 mm shorter, that may well explain why the footer is missing. Nothing to do with it being multi-line. You won't be seeing the page number either.

In reply to by Kortenor

If I set my printer to rotate the print 180 degrees, so that the bottom of the page is printed first, the footer is printed, but then the title is not printed.
So my conclusion is that the printer can not print closer than 17mm from the ending edge of the paper. Because at 17mm the paper is no longer in contact with the paper feeder tractor.
SUGGESTION: I guess it should be possible to change the position in the MuseScore program, so that the printing will be positioned higher, may be even a possibility for adjusting. Another way could also be to move the title frame lower on the page.

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