Assign a "Keyboard Shortcut" to a "MIDI keyboard pad"

• Nov 9, 2020 - 18:11

Hello everyone,

How can I assign a "MuseScore functionality" to a Pad of my MIDI keyboard ?
For instance, I want to assign "Ctrl + 3" to one Pad of my keyboard in order to type triolet quickly, only on my MIDI keyboard and not on my computer keyboard.

The only place where it seems I can map functionality to the MIDI Keyboard is in the "Note input" onglet in the settings, but it only offers the basics of note input functions... whereas the shortcut onglet of the settings takes only keyboard input, and not MIDI input when defining shortcuts.

I could not find the solution of this problem,
If it does already exist, sorry for the double post.
Thanks for your answers,


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you for your answer but it unfortunately does not help.
As I was writing in my post, in the MIDI remote control section, we only have really basic note input functions to be mapped, such as "play", "quarter note", and so on... But nothing such as N-uplet.

Would someone have any solution ?


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