Better drum palette

• Nov 13, 2020 - 15:57

Entering drumset lines is hampered by several issues:
1. The palette is small and its rendering can be unpredictable. For me, the note names interfere with the staff-note image.
2. It's not detachable so one can't place it near where it is needed. For a 40+ inch monitor, that is an issue.
3. The layout is bazaar and is keyboard based having no relationship with a drumset.

1. Make it detachable.
2. Provide an option to present the palette in graphical form.

Attached is a proposed ROUGH layout (probably not accurate as I am not a drummer). It gives an idea of what a graphical drumset user interface might look like.

If there is something already available (open source?) then please feel free to include in this thread.

Attachment Size
Drumset-MIDI-input.gif 5.43 KB


FWIW, the layout is actually in standard General MIDI ordering, so you have them to thank for the order. The keyboard shortcuts are designed to feel natural according to how the music would be written, but you are free to redefine them as you see fit, see the Handbook under Drum notation for more.

Making it float is a good idea, feel free to make a Suggestion in the issue tracker for that!

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