Splitting piano two hands - best practice ?

• Nov 15, 2020 - 15:35

I discovered MuseScore recently and love it.
I use it for Piano learning (between low and intermediate level, so roughly 1.5 about 5).
Also I am not natural english speaker so as my words could be wrong at some place, I hope your understanding.

This being said, I would like to split the left and right hands on my current study (cry me a river).
I tried creating a custom part with 2 pianos, one for each hand (by removing the unused G/F track onit).
I could create the two parts but if for first piano (right hand - G key) I see the notes, for the second piano (left hand - F key) I only see three bars for the three sections I create. No notes appear.
See attached files or this being what I see (from left hand tab) :
Capture d’écran de 2020-11-15 16-26-11.png
And this would be what I would like to see (from both hand tab) :
Capture d’écran de 2020-11-15 16-32-38.png
I assume I mis-configured something but cannot find what...
Also, if I run a play on one part (left or right hand) with the keyboard, all parts keystrokes appear, that is perturbating.

To solve my issue, I then created three different files. A full one for both hands, and two others for any of Left and Right hand. This is a dirty trick (3 files in place of one reference one) but that works so far.

However, would there be a cleaner and more elegant way addressing this issue ?
(I want to see notes and keys, because I am currently learning scales from that)

Obviously I parsed the doc'n'FAQ but did not found this information, so if anybody would have any clue, sharing it would be welcome.



You need to attach your score. It looks like you set up the pianos incorrectly but we can't be sure without the actual .mscz file.

In reply to by mike320

Hi Mike,
Thanks for your answer.
The part I am working on is not free. I transcribed it in MuseScorefor my own learning usage.
To avoid any copyright issues to MuseScore or any of us, you will find a file where problem is reproduced, containing only the 3 first intro measures.
I believe you will understand.
Any help is welcome,

Attachment Size
2_hands_Issue.mscz 16.15 KB

In reply to by brunojeangill

The problem is that when you created parts, you limited main droite to voice 1 and main gauche to voice 2. You need to keep the default of all voices. This will allow all notes on the instrument to be shown. Voices are a staff by staff option, not a whole score option and by default, all notes are in voice 1 on every staff unless you do something to change that. All of the piano 2 notes are in voice 1. Since voice 2 has no notes and you only included voice 2 in main gauche, there are no notes in the part.

In reply to by mike320

Huge thanks Mike !!!!
That solved the issue. I edited the testing part I sent and it works.
Now, I still have the issue of the piano keyboard showing all notes played in all tracks, whatever the track I am exclusively on. Any way to restrict the keyboard showing of keys only to the current part played ?

In reply to by brunojeangill

Both parts showing on the piano keyboard sounds like a bug to me but I would like someone more familiar with the keyboard to confirm this. There my be a setting I'm not familiar with.

I probably give most people TMI, but I thinks is important to understand what you did wrong rather than simply how to fix it.

In reply to by mike320

Totally agree with last sentence. I don't know how to express it in English, but in French we say "les mêmes causes appellent les mêmes effets", so understanding reasons of an issue is definately the (major ;-)) key to avoid far more to come.
This being said, I discovered and installed MuseScore only two days ago on a Fedora 31 base (so not Ubuntu), I may have missed something, but do not believe keyboard issue is related to system as anything works perfectly from OS and features standpoint.
Probably another mis-config on my side.
Sample file I sent shows the issue as well.
Otherwise, any tutorial or guide sections for people wishing to split hands and learn piano from MuseScore ?
Any interest or plans for such ?

In reply to by brunojeangill

What I didn't make clear apparently is that I saw the issue with the keyboard you described but I rarely use the keyboard. It's possible there is a preference that can be set somewhere I don't know about to make only the current part show on the keyboard. I find it hard to believe you are the first to complain about all parts being played on the keyboard when you play a part.

In reply to by mike320

I understand. As brand new on MuseScore, I need to investigate first. My question was in case that would be known.
From the sample I sent, when playing one part (ie. piano2 - main gauche) with keyboard displayed, do you see all parts played on it ?
However, don't care, I will dig on it on my side as this is just a minor issue.

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