Round notehead for tam tam/gongs or untuned perc

• Nov 18, 2020 - 22:41

Hi there,

It would be great if musescore allowed users do round noteheads for single line percusion instruments as in the traditional way for orchestra notation. I attach the way it appears in musescore (tamtam), and some another examples of orchestral writing, Ravel and Abrahamsen.

Is there a way around this?


Attachment Size
tamtam.JPG 20.26 KB
Abrahamsen Let me tell you.JPG 49.31 KB
ravel.JPG 26.19 KB


You can change the drumset definition to anything you like. BTW, I agree a single instrument should always have normal round note heads.

In reply to by mike320

Thank you so much! I've looked it up and that works. I will save it on a preset to open by default.

Other question, do you know how to make an instrument change from a 1 single line percusion to a multiple one, for example from a bass drum to a timpani? I've been trying it and I couldn't find the way to do it.

Thanks again

In reply to by floalen

I'm not sure how instrument changes work with percussion instruments but there is something I know will work.

Define the drumset for all of the instruments, keeping in mind that line 0 is the only one visible when you have a single line. Use a Staff type change (the S in a frame in the text palette) when you want to switch between the two. Click the icon on the staff and in the inspector you can change the number of lines. You can also change the offset on the single line so it will line up with the middle line of the 5 line staff if you want. I believe the offset you would want is 2. You enter the notes as usual and MuseScore will put them where you tell them taking into consideration the staff type changes. You can use staff text to identify the purpose of each staff change rather than an instrument change.

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