Tie Looks Ugly

• Nov 21, 2020 - 19:17

I'm doing a transcription that's polyrhythmic and involves a lot of ties between chords and multiple voicings. When I apply the tie, however, I find that it looks very ugly--it appears the tie starts right next to the note, causing the lines to look cluttered and illegible (pic 1). Even flipping the tie different ways doesn't help

I want the tie to be more spaced out, so start and end a little farther away from the notes (pic2). Currently I'm manually adjusting it tie-by-tie, which is extremely tedious. I want to know if there's some setting I can change to automatically space out the tie so that I don't have to "fix" it every time? I thought "autoplace min distance" under right-click > style would've worked, but alas, it didn't.

Thanks for your help!

P.S. I'd appreciate just some guidance on how to fix the tie--I've written the notation in a specific way so that I can read it faster, and I won't be changing it. Thanks!

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Screen Shot 2020-11-21 at 11.09.03 AM.png 126.2 KB
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There is a limitation causing your ugly ties, they are on note clusters, like G, A, B. There is just not enough room between the notes to make them look really nice. Flipping some of the ties (like make the bottom note a down tie) will help some. You can zoom in on the ties a bit (so it's easier to get the correct one) and adjust the anchor point, perhaps to the right a little for the start of the A in the picture. You can also move the top one up a little, it doesn't take much, so there is a little bit of space between the two. I would use the inspector for these fine tune adjustments since you have more control that way. The mouse isn't precise enough for this job.

If you look at published scores, you will see the small adjustment I mentioned have been done to improve the ties. Tied note clusters are never real pretty like the arpeggio one you showed with a space between each note.

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