time signature notation struggles- 4/4 (2/4)

• Dec 11, 2020 - 15:47

I'm really bad with technology, so if you know how to do this, I'm going to need you to break it down to me to really small steps. Every single step, even the ones you think are self-explanatory, I'm gonna need it. I'm trying to do something similar to what I have in the subject. I have a time signature of 60/8 and each part has a different subdivision of 60/8. There's 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 5/8, and 12/8. And I want to notate it so like this: 60/8 (5/8), but for each part. Each submeasure would have dotted lines instead of solid barlines. Solid barlines would occur every 60 eighth notes. I don't want to hear about the impracticalities of doing this. I know and I don't care; figuring out how to conduct this or whether it should even be conducted is not my concern. It's probably not going to be conducted anyway and I already have a method developed for getting everybody started in the same place during rehearsals, so please don't lecture me on this. I just want to know if it is possible to do what I'm trying to do with this program and, if it is possible, I want to know how to do it. I'm really bad with technology and I can't figure out how to do any of this stuff. Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide me on this.


One question. Do you want 1/8, 2/8 etc. in each of the sub-measures or only the first one where you have 60/8 (5/8). It will make a big difference on the best way to do this.

In reply to by bestgirltubapl…

No, it doesn't make sense. What I mean by sub-measure is that 60/8 is going to be divided into smaller measures separated by dotted bar lines. After each barline do you want the time signature for that measure or do you just want 60/8 at the start of the long measure?

A part is an instrument. If you apply 1/8 to a measure it is easiest for all parts to have 1/8 in that measure and also makes it easier for anyone reading it to know what the current beat count for the measure is since it will change so often.

Here is a sample of what I think would be best:

60-8 time sample.png

In reply to by bestgirltubapl…

Let me see if I've got this correct--you have, say, five parts/staves--one part barred in (sub)-measures of 6 eigth-notes throughout, one in groups of 5 eighths throughout, etc.

Putting in the bar lines is very simple--select every fifth note (of the 5/8 part, say), and create a bar line from the bar line palette (F9, and down a bit)--there's a dashed option. It will create the barline before the note, in that staff. You'll have to do it for every sub-measure in every part, though.

If you want "5/8" printed after the "60/8" at the beginning of the piece, that's a little more complicated: In the main plalette (Shift-F9), under "symbols", there's a section with time-signature elements, including all the digits. You can "build" a time-signature glyph by using those. You'll have to pin them to the first note or rest of each part, and they can get a little persnickety about placement.

Depending on your page and staff-size settings, you may have trouble fitting a measure of 60/8 on one line--you can use the "split measure before selected note" under Tools at the top of the screen.

What you want isn't standard notation, but I can imagine a situation where it would make sense. As such, a good music engraving software--such as Musescore--should be able to let you create it; and don't let anyone tell you you shouldn't.

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