Change How Rests are Metered after Copy/Paste

• Dec 18, 2020 - 21:45


I'm editing/reorchestrating a piece that was written in MuseScore v1. Back then there were issues with crashes and my files getting corrupted often (partly my slow computer). Not sure if that contributes to the issue below.

I'm starting from a fresh score and copy/pasting parts from the original MuseScore v1, but now the score has incorrect rests all throughout and it would take forever to manually fix them.

Attached is the new score - Sym1-Mvt2.mscz - and the original - Sym1-Mvt2-Waltz-Orig.mscz - written in MS v1 from which I'm copying many parts.

For example, it's in 6/8 and some whole measure rests (can see this in perc. and strings at beginning of attached - Sym1-Mvt2.mscz) where it's a dotted half rest on the left of the measure instead of a full/whole measure rest in the middle of the measure. Those were the parts that have been pasted from the original.

At measure 119, and all throughout the score, in Sym1-Mvt2.mscz the rests aren't grouping the way I'd like. I'd like it to automatically change so rests are grouped by dotted-quarter notes, or in 2 groups of 3 eighth notes.

  • Is there a way to globally change how rests are divided/notated so it doesn't have to be done manually?

Thank you.

Attachment Size
Sym1-Mvt2.mscz 51.32 KB
Sym1-Mvt2-Waltz-EDIT.pdf 618.4 KB


Rest grouping should follow standard rules, and when copying/pasting, it should be preserved. Are you saying it was wrong in the original but now you want to correct it? Or it was correct in the original and somehow got changed in the copy/paste?

I know some very early versions of MuseScore had limitations where copy/paste would turn measures rests into duration-based rests in appropriately. So I'm guessing that was already a problem in the original you were copying from? If those rests at the beginning were measure rests in the original, though, they shouldn't have turned into dotted half rests in the copy.

Anyhow there is a command Tools / Regroup Rhythms that is designed to fix any issues with groupinging of beams, rests, ties, etc.

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