Standard staff + linked Ukulele tab, how to only export the tab?

• Dec 19, 2020 - 03:02

I have file with standard staff and linked Ukulele 4 strings tab.
When I export to PDF, it includes both staff+tab.
How can I only export the tab, not include the standard staff?
I want to remove the standard staff entirely so it doesn't occupy the space, then I will get a tighter TAB so I can read it easily on phone.



Open instruments (press i) and delete staff 1 under the Ukulele, this is assuming the staves are set up in the standard way with the tab under the notes. The tab will still exist with the notes on it. If you want to keep the standard+tablature score, you can close the score without saving after you export the PDF and the deleted staff will not be saved - that is it will still be there.

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