Files Becomming Corrupt

• Dec 24, 2020 - 04:00

Hello! Lately, I've been noticing that every time I open a certain piece that I am working on the file becomes corrupt. However, the interesting thing is that even after deleting the whole measure that the problem lies in it still becomes corrupt in the same measures when I open it back up. I would love some help with this as it is very annoying when I have to go in and fix it every time I open it. Especially since I am trying to start the final edits to the piece.


It's impossible to give a definitive answer without seeing the actual score (.mscz file). If you have parts created it's likely that deleting the parts and generating them after the main score is finished will prevent future corruptions. There are several other possibilities so someone would have to look at the file to give more specific help.

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