How to add custom notehead

• Dec 25, 2020 - 22:26

I want to add a custom notehead: for black notes, for half notes and for whole notes. What is the procedure to follow if i want to include it into the software?

Best regards,

-Alexandre Kharlamov


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

k, but which characters codes to use for the 3 noteheads that I want to be used together with regular noteheads? I understand that not many people add new noteheads, that's why I want to know how would a developer approach such a task. What I did on my local machine, I replaced the (seemingly) useless "diamond new" characters right in the font file, re-compiled Musescore and it's working fine. But, what would be a proper way of doing that so they all co-exist?

In reply to by svyatozar

"... which characters codes to use for the 3 noteheads that I want to be used together with regular noteheads?"

See also this page about "Recommended characters and optional glyphs":…

Codepoints are fixed. This means that you cannot arbitrarily assign a new glyph to an existing codepoint already designated in the SMuFL standard. Either request new SMuFL codepoints to cover the missing notation you need, or issue a complete new SMuFL-compliant font which implements your new alternative style.

In reply to by DanielR

I understand. I need to prepare a comprehensive document describing all the rationale and use cases. There are currently some issues with the current letter shape that need to be fixed first. As I understand, it cannot extend a certain box, otherwise it gets resized.

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