Lines with begin and continue text and line set to not show are not selectable.

• Dec 29, 2020 - 22:29

In the attached file I added a cresc. line to the first measure and then in the inspector unticked the line visible, begin text and continue text boxes. Now the line is still there but it can not be selected to be edited (to restore visibilty of one or more of line, begin and continue text) or to delete it. The only way I have found to get rid of it is to a) select the the whole measure and delete the contents or b) add another cresc. line and select all similar; both lines can then be selected. This problem seems to be common to all lines.

Attachment Size
Unselectable.mscz 2.83 KB


In reply to by mike320

Not quite the same, as in the case I describe the text is invisible and nothing is selectable - by the normal method of clicking on it that is. This means that it requires some contortions to even edit the line's and associated texts' properties to restore visibility.

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