Separate Placement of Dynamics/Hairpins for Voice and Instrument

• Jan 7, 2021 - 15:45

I know this is a VERY VERY VERY "nit-picky" request (and probably a far, far down the line request too) but as someone who writes vocal music, but still writes for other instrumentations- moving dynamics and hairpins for voice above the staff and/or changes settings constantly to make it possible, at least I find it, weird for workflow/visual aesthetic.

Example: I have a voice, a cello, and a piano. Settings have everything set for below the staff, however, switching it to be above messes up piano and cello placement which is below the staff. Now, I know I could leave it below, and only switch it for each individual hairpin and dynamic on the voice... but I'm sure something could be made for that. No?

I don't know if anyone else would benefit from the quicker workflow, but thought it can't hurt to put it out there.

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