Add Access the the XML file for plugin developers.

• Jan 7, 2021 - 15:57

As an HTML-JavaScript developer I right change the HTML by modifying the fire with DOM commands. These same commands can work on XML. The actual file that stores the music is an XML. It would be very good to be able to edit the XML with DOM commands. Also it should be possible to add properties to a tag. In classic HTML the added property name always starts with data-.
Joel Moses
computer programmer and Contra Bassist.


What's stopping you from doing so already? QML supports JavaScript, thus likely supports XML-DOM operations already?

Imho though it would be very bad rather than very good to do so, as in order to actually make sensible edits to the internal format, you must understand the implications of them.
And if you have to learn the internal score format anyway in order to understand those implications, then why not simply work directly with the Plugin API? After all, that one will already handle a bunch of things that are much harder with xml-manipulation (such as removing/adding a slur correctly and not just one anchor point in one part of it).

But if you like a documented xml-format, consider indeed building against the MusicXML standard.

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