How to make the name of the instrument appear even if there is only one instrument in the score? Please help.

• Jan 7, 2021 - 20:15


I am trying to recreate (rewrite in Musescore) a book of multiple folk songs. I attached a screenshot of the book below. Basically, the book has multiple little songs on a page, and at the start of every little song there is the name of the instrument the song is meant to be played with. My issue is, I can't find any way of making the name appear; I noticed that as soon as there are multiple instruments, Musescore names each stave, but it doesn't seem to do just that with only one instrument in the score. I searched on the forum but couldn't really find anything. Please look at the screenshot below as my explanation is not very clear and I think that as soon as one sees the screenshot, they would understand instantly what I mean. I also attached a Musescore file with what I managed to do so far, in case it is of any help.

Thank you very much.


In Format->Style there is an option on the score page that says "Hide instrument name if there is only one instrument"

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