Increasing staff distance between each section

• Jan 10, 2021 - 16:58

Hello everybody,

I can't seem to figure how to increase the distance between each section across the entire score. Meaning, when scoring for a big band, I'd like a larger distance between the bari sax and 1st trumpet than between the instruments within each section (= between each trumpet for instance)

I've attached a photo of how I'd like it to look. Does anyone know how to do this?


FWIW, starting with 3.6 (to be released soon), MuseScore will automatically spread staves to fill the page, and it automatically does so in a way that adds more space between than within sections by default. So I'd recommend waiting until 3.6 before worrying about this. The defaults might already be exactly what you want, and in case, the specific amount of extra space you'd want to add will likely change.

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