Measure Issue

• Jan 29, 2021 - 01:06

More that 1 empty measure in a row shows as a number. This is fine for 50 but stinks for 2 or 3. I have no idea how I set this and cannot find a solution anywhere. Please help. The illustration shows what I do not want. I just want a string of empty measures , not a number with a bar. How do I undo this feature? Measure Number Issue.jpg Thanks for any help.


But FWIW, if this is a single part from a score, and you expect it to be read by musicians accustomed to standard notation, probably best to leave this alone. MuseScore enables this by default for individual parts created from a score because it's what musicians who play from written music expect to see. You shouldn't override it unless you have some special reason to. At most, I'd consider changing the default from 2 to 3 for the minimum length, but really 2 is pretty standard.

In reply to by dinodon51

Ah, yes, if you're in the middle of entering music, you don't want this enabled for sure. It should be saved for last. Not just because you don't want it for 2 bar rests, you don't want it for 50 either - makes entering new music difficult! Feel free to customize that shortcut in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts to something you're less likely to hit accidentally.

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