count-in & anacrusis

• Feb 1, 2021 - 18:19

See attached scores, example in 6/8 & 2/4
playback with count-in ticks for 1 measure then immediately plays the notes of the anacrusis which doesn't sound right.
Surprising for me as I'm almost sure the behaviour was correct in the past.
Note that I'm on my main computer with 3.5, could be fixed in 3.6.1

Attachment Size
test_6_8.mscz 2.99 KB
test2_4.mscz 3.17 KB


It's not clear for me, what you're missing and doesn't sound really different to me, when I create it for example with MuseScore 2.3.2 (I also did reduce the tempo in the play panel, to see if I can hear any difference in playback). But maybe I miss something?

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