(MuseScore 3.6.1) Single Note Dynamics not working

• Feb 4, 2021 - 22:37

I’ve tried just about everything; I’ve reset the midi velocity offset, I’ve messed with the dynamics method of crescendos, and I’ve even reset the entire thing to factory settings. Nothing has worked. What’s especially odd is that the numbers in the time code down at the bottom ribbon act as if they are crescendoing, since the position updates many times a millisecond as expected, however the sound itself doesn’t reflect that. Single note Dynamics works on my Mac desktop, however that is running MuseScore 3.5.2 I believe.
Could this be a bug with 3.6 or is this an OS problem, since my laptop is running Linux Pop!_OS rather than Windows or Mac? Is there anything I’ve missed that could fix this?


Is your score using an instrument that is capable of SND? A piano for example won't do that.
Also check whether you're using the expr. version of the sound for your instrument in the mixer.

Consider sharing your score file if you wish more/better support.

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