List of bugs in 2.0 Beta 1 that have been fixed in Nightly?

• Sep 1, 2014 - 01:47

xavierjazz advised me that it's probably not worth reporting Beta bugs unless they can be duplicated in the latest Nightly, and I just learned from Marc Sabatella that CTRL+F to advance to a specific measure is in this category.

I think it would be handy to know whether or not a bug encountered in Beta 1 has already been addressed and/or fixed in the Nightlies.


Of course, the most *direct* way to answer is to install a nightly and test for yourself if the bug still exists. At this point, there's actually been quite a few fixes.

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Anything in the top part of the list (before the big gigantic list of issues fixed for beta 1) was still open as of the release of beta 1. Anything crossed off has been fixed.

I try to keep this list reasonably to date. The system takes care of the crossing-off-as-fixed automatically. But I'm manually adding bugs to the list. Not everything reported, mind you: my own subjective impression of which I feel are most important to fix before release. It's a fact of life in the software world that releases go out with known bugs - hopefully all relatively minor.

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