Latest Version Falls over on opening or will not open

• Feb 10, 2021 - 10:58

HELP! Not used the programme for months due to lockdown meaning I have no gigs to prepare for. Wanted to start work on a new piece yesterday and was offered the latest update. I took it, along with the new font/score style that was offered when the programme opened. Some problems getting going and programme staying open but eventually it stabilized, no intervention from me, and I was able to put together the short chart I was working on after I'd opened an older chart. Today the programme will not stay open when I open the new piece but will work ok with older pieces I have saved. However, if I open the new piece the programme crashes again so I cannot work on it. This did not happen yesterday. On re-opening I get the 'closed unexpectedly, restore session' message you get after a crash. I've attached the file. Grateful for any advice.

Attachment Size
Joanna.mscz 31.23 KB


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