Strategic Direction & Obsolescence

• Feb 14, 2021 - 11:14

Dearest MuseScore team,
It is of great concern that world’s most popular operating systems, platforms, emerging technologies & trends are being ignored by MuseScore management and developers.

I’ve seen many companies and organisations fail by blindly following how things are done now, without looking to the future.

iOS and macOS are ever converging (with desktop operating systems increasingly following mobile architecture). More applications are being developed for Android than Windows or Linux.

To remain relevant and ahead of the curve, in terms of future-proofing, it seems common sense that the MuseScore editor must migrate to these new platforms (Android, iOS, etc).

Technology is a fast-paced and quickly changing industry. Industry leaders can become bankrupt and obsolete almost overnight. All it takes is a competitor to do what the incumbent refuses to do.

I love MuseScore, hence I’m writing this message. But I will not labour the point at the risk of causing offence. The future and the way forward seems clear and it will be too late to react retrospectively. The technology companies that remain on top, do so because they innovate and see the future before most consumers do.

I wouldn’t feel right unless I voiced this concern. Now that’s done, time will tell. Although I’m now unable to use the MuseScore editor, I will continue to watch this beloved organisation with interest.

Best wishes,
Tony UrbanSmash

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