
• Feb 14, 2021 - 23:38

I am trying to transpose a score one octave below, but when I transpose the note sounds the same for example
C3 sound as C4 when located in C3. Can anyone help me?

I select a note, go in score property then transposing


Attachment Size
waymaker.mscz 39.11 KB


If I understand correctly what you are trying to do, this is a two-step process, since you are starting with an existing score.
1. First, transpose the score one octave down. From the Tools menu, choose "Transpose...". In the window that pops up, choose "By Interval", "Down", and "Perfect Octave". Click "OK".
2. Now, since you want to see a C as a C3 but hear it as a C4, change the staff transposition. Right-click on the staff, choose "Staff/Part Properties", Transposition: 1 Octave(s) Down.

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