completely customize percussion score

• Feb 15, 2021 - 11:22

I wold like to write some score for djembe. I nee do completely customize the score.
The difficult part is to costumize the distance between notes, my idea is to create a graphic emulation of some african rhythmic "candence".
the example shows what I want to do
Can anyone help me?

Attachment Size
Schermata 2013-06-07 a 20.45.02.png 9.94 KB


In reply to by lorenzo abu

You mean they don't sound equal length? So there is a gap in sound where you are showing it graphically?
In that case, I would personally recommend rotating first to get the sound, using dotted notes or rests or tuplets whatever, then hiding the dots/rests/brackets/numbers to get this result. Then the spacing will automatically be correct, with not manual adjustment necessary. And the playback will also be correct.

If it's something you feel would be unnotatable - the ratios involved are not rational - then you can use the "Leading space" adjustment in the Inspector to increase or decrease space manually note by note.

If you explain more detail what the desired sound is here, we can advise better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc thanks so much for your attention; I am writing parts for djembe drum, there is no control over the length of the sound, like the snare drum. In west africa tradition there is a kind of swing or "cadenza" so, for example, in 12/8 the eighth-notes they are not all at the same distance.
I'm following your suggestion using "Leading space" adjustment in the Inspector, but If I have to adjust each note will be to long. Do you think there is a a way that I can set a specific eighth-notes distance in each group of three, as the example in the ATTACHMENT?

In reply to by lorenzo abu

Right, that's why I said you're probably better off actually rotating the rhythm the way it should sound and then simply marking things invisible to create the appearance of eighth notes. But again, in order to understand and assist better, we'd really need you to explain the exact sound you do want. We get that the eighths aren't even, but what are they?

In reply to by lorenzo abu

Is this the visual effect you are looking for?


This makes use of invisible rests in a second instrument to force the unequal spacing. The second instrument with everything made visible is shown here:


The steps to achieve this are:
1. add a second instrument
2. fill the first measure with 1/8 rests
3. where you want added space between notes in the original instrument, change the 1/8 rests to 1/16s or shorter in the lower instrument (making the rests shorter increases the number of rests and the overall space they take up).
4. select the first measure (both staves) and press R as many times as you like to replicate that first measure.
5. right click on the lower stave to open staff properties.
6. tick invisible stave lines, untick show clef, show time signature, show bar lines
7. in [Format]>[Style]>[Barlines] untick "barline at start of multiple staves".
8. If there are braces at the start of the systems, click on those and delete them.

Note that this only produces a visual effect, increasing the space between notes. I will have no effect on the actual rhythm played.

In reply to by SteveBlower

I Steve thanks for your suggestion.
I need to write a lots of scores with, multiple lines, multiple pages ecc ecc ecc
with your metod I will have always a empty space between two lines....
if I understand I don't think will work.
Then (excuse me I'm new with muse score!) just to know: I follow your instruction sep by step everything is clear except how to make invisible the rests of the second line.
thanks again

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