Export parts to SVG

• Feb 15, 2021 - 14:24

When exporting scores via the command line, I found how to export parts to pdf. How can I export parts to svg?


See also #317568: Export parts to SVG (which answers this for the GUI, not the command line)

I think (haven't tried it myself) that you'd eposrt part to SVG the very same way as you'd do for PDF, just use .svg as the extension to use.
See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/command-line-options, which seems to mean that you'd need the -P option and -o, then the desired output filename including extension.
Hmm, possible that -P only works for PDF though, in that case the -j option along with a .json file might work.

You may also want to try the batch convert plugin

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, the json option works. But this makes the program I'm working on really complicated.
And I do not see the reason, why the svg export does not work, as the mechanism behind is obviously existing.
Nevertheless, thanks for your support. Does it make sense to put a feature request for that?

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