Mixed languages in MuseScore2 palettes

• Sep 1, 2014 - 11:08

After downloading MuseScore 2.0 beta and changing the language from Dutch into English(GB)
(to my surprice it was default in the Dutch language),
I discovered that some palettes still display the Dutch language after hoovering over a symbol.
Is this a bug or did I forgot something to change also?


After changing the language you have to restart MuseScore

Ah, and for palattetes you'd have to delete the Workspace Folder in your Profile, this gets setup on first start of MuseScore

I guess your computer's locale is set to Dutch and MuseScore to 'system'?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, deleting the 'Workspace' did solve the problem!
And no, my computer has an O.S. Windows 7 English (GB) language.
Do not know what you mean by 'and MuseScore to 'system'?'.
Just installed MuseScore2 by using its default installation settings.
Is it an idea to choose the preferred language BEFORE downloading the program?

In reply to by JoeAlders

Default for MuseScore's locale setting is 'System', which means "follow whatever the OS is set up to use". This is not the lanuage of the OS, but the locale setting, you seem to live in the Netherlands, so might have changed to that locale? Like for the keyboard or to have date and time being displayed 'properly'?

Whatever, now as you've switched to en_UK, it'd be great if you could check and report issues with the 'translation' (from en, which is en_US, to en_UK)

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