Spacing Titles

• Mar 1, 2021 - 15:45

Is there a way to center AND a little more between the first and second heading? I'd like to match the original layout as much as possible.

Thanks for putting your thinking caps on. <3

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In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That's good too. The space above the AND is 22pt and the space below the AND is 12pt. I was hoping to get them the same size; however, I'm not sure the software is that fine tuned yet.

Thanks for getting me to the bottom line, Jojo. I'll use your example. Just wanted to make sure we couldn't do better. Thanks again. You ROCK! <3

In reply to by judeeylander

No problem! Here are the steps:
1. Select the Vertical Frame, then right-click > Add > Title [you already did this step]
2. Select the Vertical Frame again, then right-click > Add > Text
3. Add the required text "AND"
4. Select the text, in the Inspector set "Centre text on reference point" (the middle one of the alignment icons)
5. Select the text, in the Inspector adjust the Y Offset value to bring the text downwards as needed
6. Select the Vertical Frame, then right-click > Add > Subtitle - add the text as required
7. Select Subtitle, in the Inspector adjust the Y Offset value to move the subtitle down as needed
8. Select Subtitle, in the Inspector set the font size to match the Title font
9. Select each of the Subtitle's "smaller text" elements in turn, adjust font size as needed in the text editing bar at bottom left of screen

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p34_alma_del_gran_pompeo_tris.mscz 12.71 KB

In reply to by DanielR

Thank you, DanielR and jeetee. I had to tinker with it, but finally got it! Awesome!

I can't insert or edit text in the title frame if anything else is displayed. I have to insert a Vertical Frame, not use the one provided with the titles.

I can add all of the titling, but have to pull it all down below the Vertical Frame to add the text. I can adjust the text to where I want it, but have to keep all the titling out of the Vertical Frame. It's a by guess and by golly operation. ;)

I got there, improvising on your wonderful directions.

Thank you so much, DanielR and jeetee! You Rock! <3

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p34_alma_del_gran_pompeo.mscz 14.02 KB

In reply to by judeeylander

"I can't insert or edit text in the title frame if anything else is displayed. I have to insert a Vertical Frame, not use the one provided with the titles."

It's quite confusing. Once the (original) vertical frame is selected, you can find yourself unable to edit an existing field within it (e.g. Title, Text or Subtitle). If so you first need to deselect the vertical frame, which you can do with the Esc key. You really do not need to add another vertical frame.

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