Nice-Steinway Grand 3.8 sounds distorted when accents are applied to ff (fortissimo)

• Mar 4, 2021 - 15:27

I just installed an sf2 soundfont of nice-steinway 3.8. And it sounded perfectly fine with dynamics softer than ff. When written with ff with accents applied, it sounds like an earrape. Absolute nightmare. Does anyone know how to fix it? I'm running on 3.6 version of MuseScore. Thanks.

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Screenshot 2021-03-04 215458.png 23.34 KB


You could try lowering the instrument volume in the mixer (or the general volume of the synthesizer) to see if the distortion is caused by clipping.
If that is not the cause, then it might be that your soundfont contains different samples for such dynamic levels and that something is off with that.

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