How to keep extra space from being added between staves when text frame added

• Mar 10, 2021 - 21:28

Hi all,
OK, new problem I can't solve. I am using text frames to put some info below each staff (unimportant). What drives me crazy is that the program automatically adds extra space between staves when I do that. How can I keep this from happening?


[EDIT] I first suggested that you could use a Vertical Frame instead of a Text Frame, and then use the right-click option Add > Text within the Vertical Frame. But that is unnecessary.

The Text Frame has two properties Top gap and Bottom gap which you can reduce as required, just as on a Vertical Frame. On a Vertical Frame you would also need to disable the frame's Enable Auto-Size, but that is not a property used on the Text Frame. As Marc pointed out below, a text frame auto-adjusts its height anyway to suit the text.

The whole point of text frames is to have a way of adding text that creates space automatically. So, actually, the stuff you are adding is important here - if it's not supposed to add space, probably it doesn't belong in a frame but in some other sort of element type, and which to choose depends on what that info represents.

That said, you can certainly control how much space is allocated for the frame via the Inspector.

If you attach a sample score we can advise better.

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