corrupted files

• Mar 12, 2021 - 11:32

I often get a message opening a file after working on it that some measure is corrupted with an odd time signature. Often these files have been transformed into the software's definition of a triplet construction, afterwhich when opened up after saving the file - a mea sure is now labeled corrupted.
If ignore them they are only available to be used with musescore, other app's wont download them.
what to do?
If I dismantle the triplet, the notes disappear.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks. I tried the suggested steps and then tried adjusting note and rest duration. Everything I tried lead to smaller and more intricate note and rest arrangements - into the thousandths.
So, I copied note for note without using triplets to an empty measure and deleted the corrupted measure, appended and pasted the revision.
By the way, without corrupted files, Flat will import the muse files as is.


In reply to by peacegaia

Seriously? Flat loads a MuseScore file (MSCZ or MSCX) directly? I had never heard that before. Do they keep up with all of the changes to the format? Hmm, or maybe they simply keep a copy of MuseScore installed on their servers and use it to convert to MusicXML behind the scenes.

Anyhow, if you continue to have trouble fixing a corruption, please attach your score and someone will probably be able to assist.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Funny, I started with Flat, and then chose musescore because I could download to phone, and upload
to laptop with msc on it. Msc will also keep the Flat instrumentation, if I like the Flat versions.
Thank you for the support. I will try to be careful when constructing strings of triplets.

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