How to pluck the Harp in MuseScore 3?

• Mar 15, 2021 - 12:58

I added staccato and any other pluck symbols and it's not working.
Am I uneducated on something.

Btw, is there any harp soundfonts that you would recommend?

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Harps are normally plucked, most soundfonts are thus recorded that way. So no additional symbol you add is likely to make a noticeable difference in the sound - it's already plucked before you add the symbol.

There might be some specialty soundfonts out there that include separate samples for plucked notes versus other types of attack (e.g., a sliding stroke used for a glissando). In order to get the non-plucked sound, you'd need to set up the instrument with multiple mixer channels, assign each channel to a different sound, and use staff texts to switch sounds at appropriate places, just like how you'd change from arco to pizz on a violin.

In reply to by Haoto

If you find a soundfont that has both plucked and other sounds, then yes, MsueScore can do everything I described.

I don't have a specific recommendations for soundfonts though, a web search would hopefully turn up some results. General MIDI doesn't define more than one harp sound, so you'd need to find a non-standard one designed specifically for harp.

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