More concise jump to Coda

• Mar 16, 2021 - 18:55

Is there any way to better clarify the final jump of the attached score?
It works as written but it seems awkward to jump from the middle bottom of the first page to the very last measure on the second page just for the one-measure ending.
Is there an alternative way to notate it so the final ending appears close to the end of the first section?
Ideally it would be where I commented, but not be played during the song, only at the very end.

Attachment Size
The_Entertainer for question.mscz 32.26 KB


First something to clarify: If you remove all jump instructions and only leave the repeat barlines and volta in place, you'll get identical playback.
Currently your D.S. al Coda prevents the final repeat barline to be followed.

Knowing that, you can insert your final measure in between the 1st and 2nd ending and mark it with a 3rd ending Volta line.
You might want to add also a Fine text to it as further clarification for your readers; but it is not required.

Attachment Size
318895-The_Entertainer for question.mscz 30.27 KB

In reply to by jeetee

Thank you! Your attachment is exactly what I wanted but I didn't realize you could have the numbered measures out of order.
(I'm getting back to piano after 30 years so I've forgotten most of what I knew.)

>>> Currently your D.S. al Coda prevents the final repeat barline to be followed.
Although it doesn't matter because you solved the problem, I don't understand this. My original score plays correctly -- all jumps & repeats, and the final ending. It works for me but was clumsy, for lack of a better word.

If I may ask a followup general question, not related to this score:
How do you specify additional voltas? The palette only goes up to 3.

Anyway thanks very much, your solution is a big improvement.

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