musescore 3.6.2 crash

• Mar 20, 2021 - 00:28

Today I needed to convert a pdf. The pdf converted ok but I could not load the .mscz file because it was now the latest version. I downloaded and installed version 3.6.2. I added the -w to the startup command. The program started up, asked if I wanted to restore previous session, I said no. I created a new score. The main palette was missing. I can show other palettes with F10 and F11, no problem. When I do menu View/Palettes the program freezes with Palettes partially displayed. Tried a bunch of stuff. Rebooted. Nothing helped. The good news is that I could always terminate the program from the Task Manager so nothing else got messed up. Finally uninstalled 3.6.2 and re-installed 3.0.2. Everything works ok again.
My 3.6.2 download:
MuseScore- (1)
I am running windows 7 64bit
After getting Marc's suggestion, I checked my graphics driver with viewOpenGL. The summary said I had version 2.1, from 2009. I did an 'update driver' and it found a new driver from 2010 which I installed. viewOpenGL still says version 2.1 but with the updated driver.
directx is 2.0
I have not tried installing MS 3.6.2 again.


Well possible that the result of a PDF conversion crashes MuseScore, but in order to investigate we'd need that score, the mscz file

However: Windows 7 is out of support (by Microsoft) since more than a year now, but I know for sure that at least 3.5.2 was still running fine on Windows 7, I have no reason to believe that 3.6.2 does not.

And 3.0.2 is very outdated, there are many versionb between that and 3.6.2, That OpenGL prerequisite is not new, affects all MuseScore 3 version IIRC, so seems a red herring here.
Hmm, hold on, empty palette? That might relate to the palette changes (to be QML based) in 3.3, so indeed 3.2.3 might be the last version you could use lacking such an OpenGL 2.0 driver.

I could not load the .mscz file because it was now the latest version
you could have just hit "Ignore" and it would load anyway

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