A quick "Wheel" shortcut at the on-screen location of your mouse

• Mar 24, 2021 - 07:50

Hear me out - Hopefully I can explain this well enough

Pick a key that isn't already being used for a hot key, preferably on the left side of the keyboard. When the key is held down, a 'Wheel' with a number of divided portions and a pre-determined set of symbols that the user has deemed important & frequently used appears, surrounding the cursor on-screen. The user then has the ability to hover over the portions on the wheel and select the symbol they want.

Step by step:

1) Click on the target note

2) Hold down the hotkey (keep it held)

3) While the wheel surrounds your cursor, hover the cursor over it and highlight the portion of the wheel with the symbol you want (you don't have to click it)

4) Let go of the hotkey (again you don't have to click) - The symbol is now applied to the intended note.

I feel that this feature would be implemented and appreciated by a wide range of users. It would feel very natural as your hands are in those positions most of the time - and it would be more seamless than dragging and dropping symbols. Hopefully I explained it well enough. Let me know what you think, I would personally use this myself


Interesting. I can see how this might be faster than drag n drop. Personally, I seldom use my left hand or drag n drop.

In reply to by bobjp

At the time being, I rely heavily on copying & pasting pre-established symbols on the screen already. I figure that instead of bringing the mouse to the symbols, bring the symbols to your mouse! Economy of motion

I use my left hand all the time. What I absolutely hate is moving my hands from their default positions, as if I'm operating musescore like I'm playing ragtime piano, hands flying everywhere

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