Error when putting in 'begin repeat' symbol.

• Jun 3, 2021 - 16:49

I tried to add a "begin repeat" to beat four of measure 16 of the attached score in 4/4, and Musescore throws in an extra measure, putting the repeat at the beginning of the new measure. (Inserting "end repeat" at measure 45 was normal.)

Attachment Size
Col 1 9-12 How We Pray For You.mscz 29.64 KB


For me it works, when I select this note and after it select the "repeat barline" from the corresponding palette, also when I drag and drop it onto (!) the notehead. Do I miss something?

In reply to by kuwitt

I highlighted the notehead and dragged repeat from the palette; the repeat popped onto the beginning of the measure, not where I wanted it. So I tried highlighting the notehead in treble clef and double-clicked the repeat it did pop in right there but only in the treble clef. So thanks on that---I just have to remember to repeat that action for the bass clef too.

Thanks! I'm good!

In reply to by laws my songs

Don't add repeats to notes - add them to measures, or to barlines. So, select the measure or barline, then click the repeat in the palette. No need to mess with dragging anything, but if you do have extra time to kill and want to drag instead, just be sure to drag onto the measure or barline, not to a specific note.

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