Triplet hell

• Jul 4, 2021 - 19:42

Every time I have to mix triplets with other kinds of notes the value of a complete measure get screwed up. It's either too little or too much time in the measure. And I write a lot of triplets. Anyone have a way of doing it that works out. Look at these examples. 2 of them have the wrong number of beats (one with an inserted measure of all rests where I ended up tying everything) and the other where I tied everything to get it to work.


It's hard to say just from a picture - or several - what you might be doing wrong. My guess, though, is you aren't paying close enough attention to what note value is selected when pressing Ctrl+3 to create the triplet, or what note value you are entering after the triplet. I'd advise you to read the Handbook section on tuplets carefully, and if you still have questions, please attach your actual score and describe what you are trying to do and what is going wrong in more detail. It should be a simple matter of entering the triplets along with the other notes left to right but always being careful to have the correct note value selected.

You shouldn't need to be tying notes within a triplet, btw. If you mean to have an eighth note within your sixteenth note triplet, simply enter it - be sure to select the eighth note duration after creating the triplet but before entering the note.

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