Inspector>Beam>Position x and Position y

• Jul 5, 2021 - 17:29

Two points about Inspector>Beam>Position:

First, I find it challenging to get to the Inspecctor>Beam>Position values. More on that in another post.

The second and main point here is about semantics.

Once I’ve successfully arrived Beam>Position values I’m perplexed by the label x:


   • Custom>Position>y is the y (vertical) distance from the top line of the staff for the first stem in the beamed group

   • Custom>Position>x is the y (vertical) distance from the top line of the staff for the last stem in the beamed group

I find it semantically unpleasant that x is used to represent a y axis property. Granted y is already used.

Why not refer to the pair of values as a and b, or firstY and lastY?



It's not really mean that anyone would be modifying these values directly via the Inspector; it's more just to expose the numeric result that is inherent in the internal representation of the beam in the data structures used within the code when you do the adjustment normally via dragging - kind of a "full disclosure" on what is happening internally. It's actually one of the very few settings in MuseScore I would say that about.

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