Glissando for Harp -- Scale Sequence in Parentheses

• Jul 6, 2021 - 15:33

Hello everyone, I was wondering if anybody knew how to write the little notes during a glissando (for any instrument really, my example features a harp) that are usually in parenthesis (see the file Glissando - Harp uploaded).

This way I could write the glissando within another key because there is a modulation during a bar.

Thank you to anyone willing/trying to help me,

I hope you have a wonderful day !

(Sorry if the vocabulary is not adapted, I do not usually write about music in English, which is also not my first language).

Attachment Size
Glissando - Harp.png 33.7 KB
My Glissando.png 21.97 KB


I tried this just for fun. It's clumsy, but it will print (and hopefully play) the way you want.

I added the half notes, and set a diatonic gliss between them. In place of the rest on beat 3 in the bass clef, I added the pitches of your gliss scale. In the Inspector, I toggled Play to OFF for these notes.
I then toggled the stems off in the Inspector, and set the beams to invisible. (there's probably a different way to hide the beams, but I was just hacking around.)
Next, I added notehead parenthises (from the Notehead palette) around the first and last notes of the scale, and toggled one half of each parenthesis to invisible. There may be a way to scale the size of the parentheses, but I didn't see one when I tried it.
Finally, I adjusted the X offset of the scale pitches to appear more even.
I forgot to save a version with the accidentals, but those are found in the Accidental palette.

Like I said, it's clumsy, but it works fairly well. (If you want to have the gliss play different pitches than your key signature, there are a few extra steps you'd need to do.)

Attachment Size
Harp Gliss test.mscz 12.49 KB

There would be a few ways to do this, but maybe the simplest is to use grace notes - either before the second note, or after the first. You can then mark the beam invisible by selecting it and pressing "V", and make each of the notes stemless using the Inspector (or making the stems invisible). Depending on exactly where things are in the measure you might also need or want to do some manual adjustment of their position. If you post your actual score, we can assist further.

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