MuseScore Keypad

• Jul 9, 2021 - 05:21

I'm yet to see what I'm about to describe (I couldn't find anything when searching). To be clear from the start: this is not about a physical keyboard, but one on screen (as will be shown). I also apologise for the mockups as they were done 12+ months ago (before I had experience in mockups) as I did not have the time to upload this. It was also done before I was aware of MuseScore 4.

Changing the pitch/accidentals is easy enough with the keyboard, but as soon as you don't have access to one (e.g. using laptops in a tablet way), changing accidentals can be time consuming. For example, select a note in a chord, then move all the way to the toolbar/palette and click on sharp/flat/natural etc. For the next note in that chord, do the same. It starts getting very frustrating. To solve this, something like below would be useful.


The idea is that the keypad is undockable. It should be customisable like the Palette dock and have roughly the same menu as the palette dock. Items from the palette should be able to be dragged over the the keypad and vice versa. It would be cool to make the tab headings either text, icons, or both text and icons.


If any part of this doesn't make sense, let me know so I can clarify what I'm saying.


I like the idea and think it has much potential. But to be clear: the existing note input toolbar already is undockable, and that's exactly how I recommend using it when dealing with a touch-only interface. It's still not ideal, but it helps for sure.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

> the existing note input toolbar already is undockable

Yes, but it's still dockable. If you have a note close to the edge of the window, and want to put the toolbar somewhere around there, I don't want the toolbar docked (the docking guides also annoy me, as I've got to wait they disappear before letting the toolbar go). This is why I want the keypad unable to dock. Also, the toolbar is not resizable.

> still not ideal, but it helps for sure.

It helps, but as I use small computer monitors most of the time, the toolbar is actually too long (the overflow menu appears quite often - particularly when I have something like VLC next to MuseScore when I'm transcribing a song). This is sucky because even though you can add/remove actions from the toolbar, I need and use all of the actions in the toolbar.

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