
• Jul 9, 2021 - 15:13

I am facing the problem that I have enough measures to make the music sheet two pages but most of them are squeezed on the first page and the second page has only few. May I know what should I do if I want to change it such as make it more balanced?

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Generally, it is best not to disable vertical justification if you desired a balanced appearance. leave it enabled most of the time. only if you deliberately want uneven bottom margins would you want to disable it.

But indeed, it would be good to get this more balanced. The best thing is to look at the score to decide where you want the systems and page breaks to be. Your systems don't look particular crowded, so I wouldn't be concerned with that necessarily. Just add a page break (via the Breaks & Spacers palette, or Ctrl+Enter) where you want, to make the two pages more similar. I count twelve systems now, so consider 6+6. But also, hard to say for sure they look pretty small, did you reduce the staff space size in Layout / Page Settings? If so, consider returning it to the default of 1.75 mm.

In reply to by liuxs8865

If you are seeing better results with justification disabled, that could be because during your initial attempts to solve the problem, you inadvertently altered some settings and that is preventing it from working optimally. As always, it's best to attach your actual score so we can understand and assist better.

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