The score exported to audio is too loud

• Jul 11, 2021 - 11:43

When I export my score to mp3 / wav sounds louder than in playback, and I want to sound the same.
I also disabled normalization but it also sounds louder.


Disabling normalization should work. But note, it will only the sound the same on your computer, with your computer speakers set the same way. When exporting audio files, it's normally important to keep in mind that means it might be played on different peoples systems, with different volumes set on their speakers. There is no way to control how it sounds to someone else. That's why the concept of normalization exists, to make sure that the user who actually listens to the music has full control over the volume and it isn't in some weird no-man's land between how it might have sounded on your system and how they might want it to sound on theirs. normalization allows it to sounds the same on their system as the other music they listen to.

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