Possible Bug - items being deleted when cut-time symbol removed

• Jul 12, 2021 - 15:40

I created a score in lead sheet style with 4 measures per line using breaks. The piece has a two repeated sections, and a {DS al Coda, Segno, To Coda and Coda} combination.

At the start of the score I have a cut-time Time Signature. I decided to reconfigure the time signature and removed the cut-time notation. This resulted in:
- all the line breaks were automatically removed
- all my repeats and jumps were automatically removed.

Thankfully restored everything.

Please can you advise if this is user error, intentional functionality or a bug?
With thanks


Barlines (and therefor system breaks) indeed don't make any sense any more at their current position if the time signature changes, so they get removed and generated afreash as per the new time signature.
Not a bug, but by design and the nature of music.

The fact that MuseScore does this even on 'compatible' time signatures (like 4/4, 2/2, cut- and common time, or 3/4 and 6/8), in cases where the new barlines ar at the very same places as the old ones might be seen as a bug or as a design shortcoming though.

See #34076: Don't eliminate layout elements upon some cases of time signature change

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you Jojo - your comment "generated afresh" made me realize the user error. I was removing the cut-time time signature before adding the new one, which resulted in the deletions without regeneration. By simply dragging the new signature onto the original cut-time score it regenerated the breaks and jumps with no loss of information.

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