Program Will Not Save the Score

• Jul 12, 2021 - 21:01

I'm having a problem with saving to my computer. The save command does not appear to be working. Also, if I attempt to save to a flash drive, it does save, but the file is not a legible manuscript.


What makes you think the file did not save? What is the exact pathname of the folder you saved to, and what is the exact filename of the MSCZ file you saved? Also, when you say the score does save to the flash drive but is not a "legible manuscript", what do you mean by that? You saved an MSCZ file, I assume - that's the format used by MuseScore and MuseScore only. So MuseScore should be able to open the file and display it normally, but no other program would. If instead of the actual score you simply want to save a picture of it to the flash drive - like a PDF file, so others can see what the score looks like even though they won't be able to edit it or play it back or anything - use Export, not Save.

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