Beginner: Separate staves and staff length

• Jul 13, 2021 - 22:49

Hi, I'm new to this software.

I'm trying to create multiple staves one on top of each other. Each having one measure.
I want to have a series of chords. One for each staff
(See attached)

I'm sure it's a simple thing but I can't seem to figure it out.

Thanks for you help.

Attachment Size
Triades-1.png 19.09 KB


It's not really clear what you mean by "one on top of each other". Do you mean like, you're writing music for an ensemble of keyboard players or guitarists, and you want each to be playing a chord? If so, create a score for as many instruments as you want - just add them one by one when creating the score in File / New. Or maybe you mean, you actually intend the chords to be played by a single keyboard or guitar, one at a time? In which case, just have the single instrument, but have as many measure as you need. And if you want them to be literally "on top of each other" in the sense of just one measure per system (line of music), just add system breaks after each measure. Or if you want the measures to not extend the width of the page, add horizontal frames from the Frames & Measures palette.

If none of this help, please explain what you want in more detail, ideally accompanied by a picture of the result you want to achieve.

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